The scale above shows how much money you will receive for the funeral

Guardrisk is the underwriter of the Funeral Benefit.
A licensed life insurer and an authorised financial services provider with FSP No 76.
Website: www.guardrisk.co.za
The funeral benefit pays out if you and/or any of your immediate family members die.
If you exit the Fund you will no longer be covered by or be able to claim for Funeral Benefits.
The Funeral Benefit ceases at age 70.
Who are covered?
Active Member: a member who is currently contributing to the Fund.
Immediate Family Member: Your spouse and your children (either biological or adopted up to the age of 21; or full-time student studying at a registered financial institution up to the age of 26; or a disabled child)
Spouse: means a husband or wife married to the Member by law, tribal custom, or tenets of any religion; and shall include a common law husband/wife of the Member or such person residing with the Member, who is normally regarded by the community as the Member’s husband/wife. A person of the same gender residing with the Member who is regarded by themselves and the community as a common law couple shall also be regarded as a Spouse.
To avoid any payment delays, you should submit your claim to
Funeral claim payments are made within 48 hours after all documents have been received.
Claim needs to be submitted within 6 months after death of member/family member. Funeral claims received after the 6 month period will not be paid.
The claim form includes a list of supporting documents that must be attached when sending in the claim.
These include:
- Complete claim from as prescribed by the insurer.
- A certified copy of the death certificate.
- Certified copies of the ID of the claimant and deceased (in case of a child provide unabridged birth certificate).
- Police report in the case of death due to an unnatural cause; DHA1663 - Notification of Death Form.
- Proof of address of the claimant.
- If no beneficiary has been nominated, in the event of the death of the member, the letter of executorship and proof of estate late account.
- Copy of bank statement of the person claiming the benefit showing claimant's name, stamped by the bank. If no ID and only passport, letter from the bank is always required. No third-party payment will be made (for any benefit).